
This guide will get you started using the EchoTrail API by helping you make your first API request against our Insights API. We'll also look at where to go next to find all the information you need to take full advantage of our API.

Generate your API Key

You must have an EchoTrail Account and be signed in to create an API key. After you log in, navigate to your account page and select generate API key. Save the created key securely, as it is tied directly to your account.

Please keep in mind that while most functionality is freely accessible, the data returned will be truncated for unpaid users. There are also rate limits and usage constraints.

Making your first API request

After generating your API key, you are ready to make your first API call to the EchoTrail API. Below, you can see how to send a GET request to the Insights endpoint to search for process analytics.

# use cURL to search EchoTrail Insights for cmd.exe curl -H "x-api-key: [your api key]" https://api.echotrail.io/insights/cmd.exe

This should return status 200, and information about the 'cmd.exe' process.

What's next?

Nice work, you have made your first request to the EchoTrail API! You now have access to both the EchoTrail Insights API and the EchoTrail Scoring API. Check out the links below for more detailed info about both, and their corresponding API documentation.

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